Thursday, April 2, 2015

hope of spring

Today I'm thankful for the dirty feet and steady breeze. for the hair in my face and sun in my eyes. For shorts and a t-shirt and walks in the shade. For the green of the field sprawling out to dark green trees the backdrop of a bright blue expanse. The stretching shadows of the great oak trees overtaking the fleeing land. The gray gravel road leading down to the river, the banks lined with pebbles and big rocks and stones, sunk into the muddy brown sand. For the old white truck and a load full of kids, speeding up and down the road in the afternoon sun. Smiling eyes full of sunshine, delight in their smiles, the thrill of the wind on their faces. The sun setting later, the grass turning greener, the earth feeling warmer, and hope growing stronger.
A new day is coming, a new day of warmth, of life, of light, and truth breaking through. The hope of a savior in the hope of a spring. 


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