Friday, December 10, 2021

believe me

There's a danger in it, too–
Has anyone ever told you?

In dealing in words–
Truths and half truths and lies
And imaginations and fantasies and reality snuck in

So, why would you believe me
When I told you it was a dream?

I told you,
I know just how to pick out the good parts
Where the light hits just right
When there's kindness in his eyes

I know just the moments to choose
To make you believe

So, tell me–
Why would you believe me 
For a split second

When I tell you
What a dream
This nightmare is?

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


GUYS!!! I finally did it. I published a book of my poetry and you can go buy it right now on Amazon!!!!! Here’s the link: 

On The Way Home: A Collection of Poems, by Olivia Gwyn

I’m screaming. Thank you to everyone on this space who has made me feel like I have something worth saying. I don’t know where I’d be without you guys!!!!


Now look at how pretty she is!!!! The cover is a picture of my backyard where I grew up. Where it all started. Crying. I’m so proud of this little book and I’m so excited for you guys to have it IN YOUR HANDS!! Whoooo!

Go get your own copy HERE.


There is a plane passing overhead
Someone heading to Greece 
For the first time in their short life
The sun is shining
And there is so much to look forward to

The birds are playing hide and seek together
And some ladies down the sidewalk join them in laughter
There is a lawn mower running in the distance

The sun goes down so early
As the dog barks at nothing
And I am watching

All my inconveniences 
And the earth laughs in my face with its beauty

I know the world is an ugly place
But tonight I will stop doing the dishes
And listen to the kids down the street play basketball
And watch the dad with a colorful backpack
Walk his child home from school, listening to his day

I will smell the spice of our downstairs neighbor’s dinner
I will hear the birds forgetting it’s almost winter time
I will breathe in the last taste of autumn
I will sit on my little porch
I will watch

What a gift–
Of watching

I will try too hard to remember 
How good it feels to be alive right now
In a world like this

I will try too hard to remember
For the dark days ahead
And for all the days of light shining eternal in the distance

Thursday, November 4, 2021

I am asking
For words that are good
I am asking 
Because when I am writing 
I am asking
And answering and noticing and searching and learning and realizing and asking again
I am asking 
Because these words
Can’t be taken back
Because there’s a kind of eternal 
Power in words
Written down
On paper
Spoken to–
Who knows?
A thousand minds, hearts
I’ve never met
And sometimes,
I am scared

So, God–I am asking
Please make them good

Saturday, September 4, 2021

a love poem

I am trying to write a love poem
But it comes out more like being afraid 
And unafraid and completely out of control

I am trying to write a love poem 
But it comes out less like being stripped
And more like the patient unclothing of my soul

I am trying to write a love poem
But it comes out more like being known
And having a friend who doesn’t leave

I am trying to write a love poem
But it comes out less like me and you
And more like a self conscious attempt to show the world the way you make me feel like myself

I am trying to write a love poem
But it refuses to come out like a spectacle
And instead curls up like a kitten in front of the hearth of my heart and nestles there until another night when I will try again to lure it out

Maybe I’d rather it stay anyway

Sunday, August 15, 2021

they never tell you

No one ever tells you
How much it all affects you
When you're young

They don't tell you–
These trees, these drives
These hands, this land–
They don't leave you for a long time

This same aching feeling 
This pounding in your chest, 
This sweat on your brow,
The curiosity and confusion,
It's still there

Twenty years later
It's all right under the surface
The burning shame,
The fear in your throat,
At night under the covers
When your mind won't sleep

No one tells you
How you'll always remember
Your favorite shirt in third grade
Or how he made fun of your voice
Or the way your parents touched you

They don't tell you 
How you'll remember 
The absences or
How one angry yell can cover
A whole year of kindness

They don't tell you that
This– right now
It never really goes away
This too is a mercy–
That they don't tell you

That you will do the same thing

lately I am tender

Lately everything
Matters and hurts too much
And I feel young and tender
And jerk back from feeling
Before it takes over

Lately I try to breathe 
Against the hurt of the world
People are dying, wanting,
Fighting, losing, losing,
And I know them all

Lately I count money
To a soundtrack of an empty room
An empty seat at someone's table
And this is all too ugly for a poem
And I hate it and I hate it
And I want it to be gone

Lately I am tender 
But some people can't afford to be

Lately I am tender
And look for gentleness in your face
And I can't always see
But your face too is tender
And it weeps for all these things

Monday, July 19, 2021

why do I do that?

The sun sets in the reflection of the windows 

Facing away

And I wonder what it’s like

Facing away

But I’m still here and I never 

Face that way 

Why do I do that?

Does it ever get easier

Turning away?

Friday, July 9, 2021

how do I say this

How do I say this
Saying what I mean

How do I say this
Baring my heart
In a thousand 
Uncivilized pieces 

How do I say this
Running out
In the street
And screaming it
At the top of my lungs 

How do I say this 
Opening the door 
And letting you in to see 
Broken mirrors on the wall
All the crumpled letters I never sent
And the unfolded laundry from June

How do I say this
Looking a fool 
Making a fool
Of myself 
And of you

How do I say this

Thursday, June 24, 2021

My aching bones are stretching in the morning light
The sunlight yawns across the living room floor
My coffee steams and swirls with cream

And I can’t stop myself thinking,
“What did I do to deserve a morning like this?”

The answer comes in the silence of the microwave beep,

And it is enough

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

I know

Been easy to look for

All the right things in

All the wrong places 

So I breathe deep

On my drives 

When I can roll the windows down

I sit still on my couch

Trying not to squirm

My chest an open wound

And I know

I know

I write when 

My mind and 

My heart 

Want to run 

The ink runs deep

Through the page 

Into the earth 

And takes root

And I talk 

Stumbling and then running 

To the one who meets me there

Like friends

And I know

I know 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

you don’t know

You don't know about the nights I spent
Listening to the songs you sent

You don't know how many times I played that song on repeat
Listening for something, waiting for the epiphany

I never told you about that
I would've been embarrassed 
That I cared enough
That I didn't understand
That I hated that song

But I'm not embarrassed anymore
Because the epiphany never came
And the song still sucks

And it's weird how the memories can make you feel small
But I was never small nor will I ever be
And I am not waiting anymore

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

kitchen sink

Kitchen sink

Your hands are in the sink
They are dirty in the tub
Your back is bending to pick up my mess
Your clothes sweaty in the sun

We are writing a lifetime of love letters
Lost down the kitchen sink drain 

Can you grab me a glass
Do you wanna split
Would you rather stay in
Do you want me to get you anything 
Let me read you this
Have you heard this song
Have you eaten since
I can drive
What do you want to do
The dishes are done
Do you need ibuprofen
Do you wanna watch
Do you want help
I’ll be there in
How was your day

And I am astounded 
At the weight of glory
At every little moment movement and phrase
At the crushing cumulative 

Weight of a lifetime of love letters
Lost and found down the kitchen sink drain

— olivia gwyn

Friday, April 30, 2021


Tonight I walked slowly from the mailbox
The afternoon warm on my skin

It's quiet and I hold onto it like a lifeline
I watch the sun play with the shadows

And I am conscious of how desperate
I am to turn the darkness into light

I hear cars pass by, a few lingering birds
And the shouts of the kids down the road

The neighbors are cooking Indian food
And the smell of spices wafts from the open door

I'm writing lines of poetry in my head 
Before the moment's over

And I am conscious of how desperate
I am to turn the darkness into light 

How I cling to the darkness
How I cling to the light

So I cling to these seconds
Where the light shines through

And I cling
Like a sentenced man
To You

Sunday, April 25, 2021

coming of age

What is it about this coming of age
Watching from the sidelines
As your kids do what you've 
Always wanted them to do

You keep repeating
This was the plan
This was it

But the moment comes and
The fear clenches you in the jaw
As you pass your daughter's hand away

And you want to scream and cry and demand
That you be able to trust this man
More than your own body and soul
To respect and love and care for your baby girl

Or you turn to hug your son 
So young and so old, a man
One last time before leaving him 
And it all just breaks

You're embarrassed 
Because he's fine
And this has been 
The plan all along 

But when did it happen?

You watch them walk off
Start the engine
Shut the door and 
Drive away with streamers
Flailing behind them in the wind

And it's hard not to hate it–
The way the happy tears slip and fall
And all the other ones burn and mix with them
Every fear and regret and guilt and foolish love

What is it about summer
That this coming of age thing
Happens over night

Like a firework
Like a slow sunrise
Like the cows coming home
Or a gunshot at dusk

And they're gone
Done, it's over

And you're left wondering why 
Asking for another day
One more minute

When they were just your own
The whole world ahead
And you beside

Sunday, March 21, 2021

black and white

How do I paint the sky for you 
In words of black and white

How do I describe my dad to you
Or the way the trees play with the light

I trace your hands along my scar
But you don’t know how it feels

You don’t feel the leather seats in my car
Or my burnt skin after the sun when it peels

Do you hear the supper bell clang
Do you know the woods where we roam 

Do you remember how the crickets sang
Or the sound of the gravel coming home

I try to do my best to paint
These pictures in black and white

You smile and nod but it ain’t
The same–it’s all just black and white

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

you touch me

You touch me
You lay your hands on my body

My body is vulnerable
Weak, open
Too open

My body is sexual
And I can't
Stop it

My body is an object
To be used
By the hands laid on it

It is not safe
    –But you are safe.

Your hands, my God
    –They are safe.

Your hands are gentle
Not intrusive

Your hands,
They hold me
They are only good intentions

You know me. My body. Its scars. Its openness, vulnerability, beauty, sexuality, physicality, spirituality, trauma, insecurity, its comforts and discomforts. You know the darkness, the brokenness, bruises beneath the surface. 

    –Ow, it's still sore there. 
You know. You know the dirt beneath my nails.
    –Is it dirt? I don't remember.
You know the lies that have shaded my eyes, sealed my lips shut.

You know this body. You formed this body of death. You loved this body of death, this house to a soul. You died to redeem it. You laid your hands on me in the grave. I am not clean. I am dirty and it's ugly here and I don't know how to talk about it. You came to me in the dark when I was weak, defensive. I did not know who you were. 

I only knew gentle hands that didn't rip me open, did not tear me down. You do not ask where it hurts. You know all my bruises.

You wore my death in your own body on a tree in your flesh. It rose up in your throat from your lungs, stealing your breath, suffocating you. Yes– you know my shame. You drank it whole. You stole it away from me.

My body is flesh and bones and dust and divine touch
And you lay your hands on this dirt
And make me come alive in your arms

You take me into your house of healing and you touch everywhere it hurts
And I am not afraid
You take the hurt over and over 

I did not know you were taking it 
yourself in through your fingertips 
on my skin

You trade me 
Life for death
Life for death
Life for death
Until it's all that's left
In this body of death

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

to be seen

He holds me in His strong arms
He wipes my dirty face with His dirty hands,
Rough scarred and gentle

He looks at me
And I am terrified of being seen

He looks at me
And I cannot understand
How absolutely satisfied He is with me

He loves my mind,
The way my hair falls when I wake up
The way I tap my foot when I’m alone

He takes joy and pride in his work in me
That I am who I am, formed in his own mind and heart,
Utterly His own, in His own likeness

He delights Himself in me
In me?
In me

If He is perfect and
He is content with me
He is overjoyed that I am His daughter
He is excited that I am coming home
He is attentive to me and my cries and anger and lostness and joys and laughter and all that makes my aching heart beat faster

If I am His love
And He is mine

Then I can be at rest
In His arms–
In the darkness and the light

I am on my way home
I am coming home to You

Thursday, January 28, 2021

even the darkness

Even the darkness
Even the darkness
Even the darkness

I repeat to myself in the darkness
I scream to myself in the darkness
I breathe to myself in the darkness

In the garden
Was it not darkness to you
In the garden

When your sweat and blood mixed with the dirt
And your body weary, strained, crying 
Knowing what was coming next

Were you afraid when you asked your Father to take it away
When you pleaded if there's any other way
Knowing there was none

Did you love him so much it hurt
Was it physical, emotional, spiritual, mental–
The excruciating pain

Did you love me so much it hurt

The thought of being separated, torn apart,
Despised, buried, suffocating, abandoned 
By your friends as you chose to die eternally for them

Was it dark to you then?
It is dark to me sometimes

I see redemption coming
But, here, it is dark

Psalm 139:12