Yes, I have been rich / It's just no one let me know
I have not studied
Abroad in Oxford
But I have graduated
At home to the applause
Of my mom, my degree not yet got in the mail
My feet have not
Skimmed the sand
Of the Sahara at dusk
But they have bruised
And healed on the gravel road
Back home, pacing back and forth
I have not heard the rush
Of New York or Broadway
But I have heard my friends
Soliloquy to me
The ill-planned symphony
Of my sisters in the back
My radio not yet fixed
I have not felt
The winds of Alaska
But I have felt the breeze
Play with the sun and the shadows
On my shoulders
I have not gambled on
The Strip in LA
But I have gambled on you
I have stripped for you
And I have won more than I could've dreamed
I haven't run my feet
Across Persian rugs in Isfahan
But I have run my feet
Over the thick rug
We thrifted and rolled
Out on our tiny porch
I feel a dent in my finger
Where I have been pressing too hard
Against my thumb as I write
I start to stare at the robin
Who just landed so cordially
On the drain pipe
I lean back over my notebook
Conscious of how I will have bad posture
When I'm older (I already do)
I crane my neck still
And my hair falls in my eyes
My hands are dry and
How tired I am of looking
At other peoples things
It gives me a headache
Instead I think I will stretch
My feet out and put them up
I think I will sit in the sun
And not think about my posture
I think instead I will count
My pennies, my fortune
The sun glaring on my eyelashes
My glass empty beside me
My socked feet stretching
The birds commentating
My notebook filling up
It is always like this
I am tired of finding pretty ways to name them
They are too busy to listen in the first place
I think I will go breathe them in instead
Swallow them whole
Spread generously on my toast
Hang them in my window
And drink them in with my eyes
– olivia gwyn