There hasn’t been much to say recently
Mostly I’ve just been looking for God
When it’s too dark to see
And asking for answers I don’t have
Lately I’ve been noticing small gifts
And they seem so vital
Like the sun on our walls
In the morning
Through the leaves
That weren’t there a week ago
Our library
A breeze
Strawberry season
A new pair of sweat shorts
Lately I’ve been trying to notice the good
Alongside the bad and hold it right there—
The tension
And stare it in the eyes
And still I don’t know what to do with it
So much is wrong
And still the birds are singing right now
And someone got married yesterday
And twin babies were born
And I laughed
And still it is Tuesday
And everywhere people are dying
And the sun is shining
And where do I belong?
– olivia gwyn