Sunday, November 22, 2020

what if

I remember asking my Dad
Riding in his truck

What was the last thing
Do you remember the last time
The last thing your mom said to you
Before she died

Because what if
Because just in case
Because you never know

Because what if I don't remember
What if I forget

How many times have I 
Tried to brand a memory 
Into my brain, a moment in time

How many have I forgotten?

Eternity is written on our hearts,
But pales in comparison to our own finiteness.

I'm scared of the payphone
Cutting out with no warning

Too many insignificant goodbyes
I love you's, see you later
Ok I'm leaving now

Missed opportunities

Until it was significant
And you missed it
And you're left scrambling-- 

Did I say I love you?
If I can't remember did I even really mean it?


You're in an other room right now
and I hope you know I love you
Today right now every moment

Every time you walk out that damn door